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Ok this is a totally random one folks but I felt this very important issue had to be addressed. It’s inspired by a post on Solomonsydelle’s blog (now in our favourites list). I would, on behalf of all EVCL staff, like to say we love chicken!
Yes that’s right we love chicken. We love it grilled, fried, stewed, KFC’d, boiled, in a shawarma, outside of a shawarma and we will not support any unilateral action to ban our lovely chicken from the tables of Nigerian families worldwide!!!
Normal non chicken related service will be resumed soon.....
Hi all,
Just a quick one to tell you we've changed our website address to . Apologies to those who got caught up in the change over.
Hi all. We’ve started pre production on an animation title that we hope will be a game-changer for the blossoming Nigerian/Sub Saharan Animation market. The subject matter will surprise those of you familiar with our work.
It will be an interesting journey. We're looking forward to working with a lot of talented people on this project. We want to produce something of great quality that will be of genuine value to the audience.
Most details are confidential now but we’ll update you all as things progress. But in case you don't hear from us for a while, we've got our heads down working (not sleeping in front of our computer sceens!).